Parallel Advisors is proud to share that we were recently recognized among the nation’s top RIA firms in several industry publications

RIA Channel® 2024 Top 50 Wealth Managers By Growth Ranking

RIA Database® ranked the Top 50 Wealth Managers by Growth in Assets. RIA Database® has been providing RIA rankings for Forbes and several industry publications, including RIA Channel® ( for over ten years. Criteria and requirements for this list include the following: 1. All firms are active registered investment advisers (RIAs) with the SEC, and have no regulatory, criminal or administrative violations on file per the SEC as of March 31, 2024. 2. All firms provide wealth management services as their primary business. These services may include financial planning, selection of third party investment managers, portfolio construction services, family office services, comprehensive estate planning, asset allocation services or similar functions to high net worth and/or ultra high net worth individuals. 3. All qualified wealth managers with a two year growth rate of 30% or greater were ranked based assets as reported to the SEC on their Form ADV Part I filing on March 31, 2024. Assets under management growth rates are determined by RIA Database® ( 4. Broker/dealers, fund managers and hedge fund managers were excluded.

USA Today’s Best Financial Advisory Firms of 2024

USA TODAY‘S “Best Financial Advisory Firms” is based on the analysis of a firm’s performance and market appreciation. For the first time, USA TODAY and Statista are awarding the “Best Financial Advisory Firms” in the US. The ranking of the best registered investment advisory firms (“RIA Firms”) is based on two dimensions: recommendations by clients and peers and a firm’s growth of Assets under Management(AUM). Research approach: The recommendations were collected via an independent survey sent to over 20,000 individuals. While clients were able to evaluate and recommend their RIA firm, financial advisors working for an RIA firm were asked to consider a scenario where their own firm could not take on a client and had to recommend another RIA firm they appreciate. The development of AUM was analyzed both, short and long term based on publicly available data. For the short-term view, the growth of AUM over a twelve-months period was calculated, from January 2023 to January 2024. For the long-term view, the growth of AUM over a five-year period was calculated, from 2019-2024. In the consideration for the top 500 RIA firms, recommendations had a weight of 20% while development of AUM had a weight of 80% (short-term and long-term growth were equally weighted) to derive the final score. The final score is derived from a 20/80 weighting of recommendations and development of assets under management .Through various channels, financial advisors, as well as clients of RIA firms were invited to participate in the surveys by USA TODAY and Statista. Based on the results of the surveys (recommendations of clients and peers were weighted equally) a recommendation-score was calculated for each firm, which was weighted at 20% in the final score. Based on data points derived from the SEC IAPD regulatory database collected up to January 2024, the development of Assets under Management (AUM) was calculated both short (twelve-months period) and long term (five-year period) and equally weighted to create an AUM development score, which was weighted at 80% in the final score. The score was calculated as follows: 20% x recommendation score + 80% x AUM development score = Final score

Barron’s 2023 Top 100 RIA Firms

Barron’s publishes four individual advisor rankings each year (Top 100 Advisors, Top 100 Women Advisors, Top 100 Independent Advisors, Top 1,200 Advisors) along with three team- or firm-based rankings (Top RIA Firms, Top Institutional Consultants, Top Wealth Management Firms). The goal is to shine a spotlight on the nation’s best financial advisors, with an eye toward raising standards in the industry. The rankings serve two distinct types of Barron’s readers. For wealth management professionals, they serve as an industry scorecard. For investors, the rankings are a tool that can help in the process of finding financial guidance. Advisors who wish to be ranked fill out a 102-question survey about their practice. We verify that data with the advisors’ firms and with regulatory databases and then we apply our rankings formula to the data to generate a ranking. The formula features three major categories of calculations: (1) Assets (2) Revenue (3) Quality of practice. In each of those categories we do multiple subcalculations. For instance, we take into account not just the amount of assets an advisor manages, but also the type of assets—are they private-wealth assets or institutional? If they’re institutional, are they for a foundation or an endowment, or are they corporate assets? We measure the growth of advisors’ practices and their client retention. We also consider a wide range of qualitative factors, including the advisors’ experience, their advanced degrees and industry designations, the size, shape, and diversity of their teams, their charitable and philanthropic work and, of course, their compliance records.

FA Magazine 2023 RIA Ranking

FA’s RIA survey is a ranking based on assets under management at year end of independent RIA firms that file their own ADV with the SEC. FA’s RIA ranking orders firms from largest to smallest, based on AUM reported to us by firms that voluntarily complete and submit FA‘s survey by our deadline. We do our best to verify AUM by reviewing ADV forms. To be eligible for the ranking, firms must be independent registered investment advisors and file their own ADV statement with the SEC and provide financial planning and related services to individual clients. Firms must have at least $500 million in assets under management as of December 31, 2022 to be included in the print edition of Financial Advisor magazine’s 2023 RIA survey. Firms with under $500 million will be included the FA’s expanded online RIA survey. Corporate RIA firms and investment advisor representatives (IARs) are not eligible for this survey. A corporate RIA is a registered investment advisor most often formed by a broker-dealer that files an ADV with the SEC. Advisors who are affiliated with the broker-dealer or other entity’s corporate RIA may offer investment advice. They are considered Investment Advisor Representatives (IARs) of the corporate RIA. All of the assets under management of the IARs are included in the corporate RIA’s ADV filed with the SEC.